A program that represents natural numbers as a reversed list of integers and has procedures to add and multiply. Programmed to be used on large numbers, runs O(n) for addition and O(n2) for multiplication.
A Connect4 game that can be played through the command line with another player or against an AI programmed using the Min-Max algorithm. The user can see the board on the terminal and then choose which column to place their token in, in order to connect four of their tokens and prevent their opponent from doing the same.
Using a socket-client connection, users may add or remove contacts which are stored in a temporary database of sorts. Users may extract their contacts in XML form as well as start with an XML address book and simply add/remove contacts from there.
Re-design of Dr. Bailey's personal academic site on WordPress. View Project.
A simple chat bot used through the command line-- Eliza follows a set of rules in order to respond to whatever a user inputs.
Classic Hangman Snowman with a twist! Played through the system's input/output stream, with every guess, the computer changes the word in order to decrease the chances of the user guessing the correctly.
A two-player game that makes use of a virtual deck of cards. Similar to the Pokemon card game, duelers (cards) are either on the bench or in the arena and they fight against opponent duelers using their special fight methods that cause a set amount of damage to their opponent.
Project that makes use of k-d Trees and nearest neighbor search. Nodes store numerical data representing user traits. User interact with a GUI (created using JavaFX) to enter their traits (numerical data) and will receive the name of the 'person' whose traits (numerical info) most closely matches theirs.
Website and logo design for Dr. Bailey's and Dr. Hamraie's lab. Developed using WordPress. View Project.
Development and deployment of The Papaya Project's website using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. View Project.
A Racket interpreter that can evaluate simple procedures and lambda expressions. A second version of this project can fully evaluate recursive procedures and lists.
Design, development, and deployment of a website for our 'Recipes for Resistance' Podcast. Site made using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. View Project.
An SMS app that allows users to find locations near them that accept food stamps. A user can text their address formatted as "69 Brown St Providence, RI" and will receive a text with the three places nearest them that accept food stamps according to USDA's data. View Project.
A console-based search engine utilizing as its corpus a subset of Wikipedia. The engine makes use of the PageRank algorithm to sort relevant results from free text queries.