Unit 5 Lab

This assignment will have you share your site with your peers to get feedback on your design.


While this week we learned about third party services offered by APIs, integrating an API into your site may not make sense. You are welcome to use an API for your site if you’d like to but are not required to. This week marks the halfway point of the term so we’ll be focusing on getting and sharing feedback on our sites.

  1. Upload the URL (option 1) or video (option 2) of your site to the Canvas Discussion for Unit 5.
    • If you have any specific areas you’d like feedback on, please share them.
  2. Explore at least 3 of your peers’ websites (or videos) and provide feedback on their website design. Consider:
    • What’s the purpose of the site? How well is it accomplishing it?
    • How easy to use and intuitive is the site?
    • What is the site doing well? What are some areas of improvement?
    • How interactive is the site? Do the interactions make sense given its purpose?
    • If you were the target audience, would you revisit the site? Why or why not?

Option 1

If you’re using tools or frameworks that require you to run a server to test your site locally, please refer to Option 2.

Use a free hosting service to get your website onto the internet. The recorded lecture below shows how to use Infinity Free but if you’re familiar with other hosting services (such as Github Pages) you’re welcome to use that.

Option 2

If you’re familiar with a free service that will allow you to host your site, you’re welcome to use it. Otherwise, record a video navigating your site. Make sure to do it at a pace that allows the viewer to experience your site.

Recorded Lecture

The lecture below provides additional information on uploading a website to Infinity Free which you may find particularly useful for completing your assignment. However, if you feel comfortable with the material already, you may choose to skip watching this lecture.

What to Submit

Upload the URL (option 1) or video (option 2) of your site to the Canvas Discussion for Unit 5. Then provide feedback on at least 3 of your peers’ sites.


  1. Student uploaded a video or URL of their site
  2. Student provided thoughtful and useful feedback to at least 3 peers.

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